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4 Hours Bootcamp on Office 365 Essentials: Productivity in the Cloud

05-July-2024 :01:00 PM EDT Duration : 4 Hours

This course focuses on four key applications of Microsoft Office 365: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Gain a solid foundation in Office 365 essentials and unlock the power of cloud-based productivity tools. Discover how to access Office 365, find all the Office 365 apps available with a subscription, and gain practical skills to enhance your workflow and efficiency. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refresh your skills, this course will provide you with basic tasks for using the Office 365 apps of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Join Sheri for an overview and introduction to the world of Office 365 and get ready to elevate your productivity.

Course Objectives:

Welcome to Office 365 Essentials: Productivity in the Cloud! Whether you are a beginner or looking to refresh your skills, this course is designed to provide you with the foundational knowledge and practical skills to effectively use Microsoft Office 365 apps. From understanding different subscription plans to mastering basic skills in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, this course will equip you with the necessary tools to optimize your productivity and efficiency in the digital workplace.

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to investigate foundational topics in Office 365 and explore the features and functions most used. You will develop skills in document creation, formatting, and editing using Word 365, spreadsheet design and formatting with Excel 365, crafting professional presentations with PowerPoint 365, and effective email and calendar management using Outlook 365. With a strong emphasis on practical skills and real-world applications, this course will empower you to utilize Office 365 apps for enhanced productivity and success in the cloud-based work environment.

Why Should You Attend:

Attending the course Office 365 Essentials: Productivity in the Cloud can benefit individuals by improving their technology proficiency, enhancing their career prospects, and enabling them to adapt to remote and hybrid work environments. It can also benefit organizations by optimizing their productivity, increasing user adoption of Office 365, and improving overall efficiency.

Here are a few reasons why people will want to attend:

• Optimize organizational productivity: For organizations that have adopted or are planning to adopt Office 365, this course can help their employees optimize their usage of Office 365 tools, leading to increased organizational productivity. Participants will learn how to leverage the features of Office 365 to enhance team collaboration, streamline workflows, and improve communication, leading to better overall productivity and efficiency.

• Increase user adoption: Organizations that have implemented Office 365 may face challenges with user adoption and utilization of the tools. By providing employees with training on Office 365 through this course, organizations can increase user adoption and utilization of Office 365 applications, ensuring that employees are equipped with the knowledge and skills to effectively use the tools and maximize their productivity.

• Enhance collaboration and communication: Office 365 offers powerful features for team collaboration and communication. This course will equip participants with the skills and knowledge to effectively use these features, fostering better communication and collaboration among team members, leading to improved teamwork and productivity.

• Adapt to remote and hybrid work: In today's changing work environment, many organizations are adopting remote or hybrid work models. This course will provide participants with the skills and knowledge to effectively use Office 365 tools for remote and hybrid work scenarios, such as document collaboration, enabling them to adapt to the changing work landscape and stay productive.

• Increase technology proficiency: Office 365 is a widely used and comprehensive suite of tools, and mastering its features and functionalities can significantly increase participants' technology proficiency. By attending this course, participants can enhance their skills in using Office 365 applications, improving their technology proficiency, and making them more adept at utilizing modern workplace technologies.

• Enhance career prospects: Office 365 skills are highly valued in today's job market, with many organizations seeking employees who are proficient in using Office 365 tools. By attending this course, participants can enhance their skills and knowledge in Office 365, making them more attractive to potential employers and enhancing their career prospects.

Join Sheri in the course today to gain updated knowledge, improved collaboration and communication skills, enhanced efficiency through automation, and increased digital literacy. All of these benefits can contribute to better productivity, effectiveness, and success in the workplace.

Course Outline:

Course outline for Office 365 Essentials: Productivity in the Cloud:

With this 4-hour course on Microsoft Office 365, participants will gain the skills and knowledge needed to effectively use Office 365 tools for productivity and collaboration. They will be able to create, edit, and manage documents, spreadsheets, presentations, emails, and calendars, and leverage the features and settings of Office 365 for optimal productivity.

Investigating Foundational Topics

• Understanding Different Subscription Plans

• Locating Office 365 Apps

• Providing an Overview of Office 365 Applications

Exploring Word 365: Features and Functions

• Creating and Editing Documents in Word

• Using Basic Formatting Tools

• Managing Styles and Templates

• Collaborating on Documents

• Managing Document Versions

Discovering Excel 365: Essential Spreadsheet Skills

• Creating Spreadsheets

• Formatting Spreadsheets

• Making Changes in Data

• Performing Calculations and Using Functions

Creating Dynamic Presentations with PowerPoint 365: Design and Layout

• Crafting Basic Slide Presentations

• Formatting Slide Contents

• Enhancing the Presentation with Pictures and Illustrations

• Introducing Animations and Transitions

Optimizing Communication with Outlook 365: Email and Calendar

• Composing, Sending, and Receiving Emails

• Using Calendar Features for Time Management

Concluding the Course

• Recapping the Key Takeaways

• Appreciating Participant Attendance

With this Office 365 course focused on Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, participants will gain the skills and knowledge needed to effectively use these essential productivity tools. They will be able to create, edit, and manage documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and emails, and leverage the features and functions of Office 365 for optimal productivity. Join Sheri and get started using Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook in the Office 365 environment and boost your productivity to new heights!

What You Get:

• Training Materials

• Live Question & Answer (Q&A) Session with our Expert

• Participation Certificate

• Access to Signup Community (Optional)

• Reward Points

Who Will Benefit:

This course Office 365 Essentials: Productivity in the Cloud will benefit anyone interested in the topic. Enroll in our Essentials course and gain essential skills in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook and elevate your productivity with Office 365! Perfect for business professionals, team leads, entrepreneurs, and non-profit workers, this course offers practical techniques, tips, and tricks to enhance your Office 365 skills. Join us now and unleash the power of Office 365!

Here are some specifics about who will benefit from this course:

Office workers: Employees who use the Office 365 apps of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook will learn to create, manage, and collaborate on work tasks. This course equips office workers with the necessary basic skills to utilize the Office 365 apps which are widely used in businesses and organizations worldwide.

Team leads and managers: By completing this course, managers and team leads can enhance their ability to create, edit, and manage documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and emails, which are essential for team communication, coordination, and productivity.

Business owners and entrepreneurs: Business owners and entrepreneurs can benefit from this course as it provides the essential skills to effectively use Microsoft Office 365 for creating and managing documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and emails, improving business communication, organization, and productivity. 

Non-profit organizations: Non-profit organizations that use Office 365 for their day-to-day operations and want to train their staff on how to effectively use the suite for improved collaboration and productivity as well as outreach efforts will learn many basic tips and tricks for the apps.

Anyone transitioning to Office 365: Individuals or organizations that are transitioning from other productivity suites to Office 365 and need to quickly learn how to use the applications and basic features will be up to speed quickly after completing this course.

Remote workers: With the increasing trend of remote work and virtual collaboration, employees who work remotely and rely heavily on Office 365 applications for communication, document collaboration, and task management can benefit from this course to enhance their remote work productivity.

Project managers: Project managers who use Office 365 as a tool for managing projects, tracking tasks, and collaborating with team members can benefit from learning basic features and best practices to effectively utilize the apps in their project management workflows.

Sales and marketing professionals: Sales and marketing professionals who use Office 365 apps for managing customer relationships, creating sales proposals, and designing marketing materials can benefit from this course to improve their document creation, collaboration, and communication skills.

Human resources professionals: Human resources professionals who use Office 365 for managing employee records, creating HR documents, and conducting internal communications can benefit from learning how to effectively use basic app features for HR processes.

Training and development professionals: Training and development professionals who use Office 365 for creating and managing training materials, conducting virtual training sessions, and managing learner progress can benefit from this course to ensure the understanding of basic skills in utilizing the apps for training and development purposes.

Educators and students: Educators who use Office 365 for creating and managing educational materials, conducting virtual classes, and facilitating student collaboration can benefit from learning how to effectively use Office 365 features for educational purposes. Students who use Office 365 for assignments, projects, and collaboration can also benefit from this course to enhance their productivity and collaboration skills.

Join Sheri in the Office 365 Essentials: Productivity in the Cloud course and unlock the power of Office 365! Whether you're a beginner or looking to refresh your skills, this course will provide you with the knowledge and tools to create, manage, and collaborate on documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and emails like a pro.

Boost your efficiency, enhance your communication, and improve your professional skills with Office 365. Enroll now and take your productivity to the next level!

Please reach us at 1-888-844-8963 for any further assistance or if you wish to register

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