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Handling Conflict During Change

17-September-2024 :01:00 PM EDT Duration : 60 Minutes

This course, has been approved for 1 HR (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™ and SPHRi™ recertification through HR Certification Institute® (HRCI®).

Bob Churilla,

Bob Churilla is a partner and conflict management and organizational development firm, Conflict Resolution Professionals Group (CRPG). In addition, Bob is a Visiting Professor at a private university. Bob has worked with the United Stat Read more

Change is all around us. In this webinar, participants will learn how to lead change in rapidly changing times that may result in conflict in the organization. As change agents, leaders must be on the constant lookout for factors in the environment that will affect their organizations and the risks associated with these changes. Part of the risks associated with change includes destructive internal conflict. In order for change initiatives to be successful a thoughtful process of diagnosing the need for change and the selection of an appropriate model to drive change must be considered. In addition, the change agent must anticipate resistance to change and strategies in overcoming this resistance. Information will be presented to help the change agent to develop a strategy that will increase the chances of success in leading change while dealing with inevitable conflict.

 Course Objectives:

• Participants will learn how to scan the global environment for change

• Learning how to evaluate the risk of major change.

• Making the decision to lead a change initiative.

• Diagnosing the need for change and potential conflict.

• Knowing the difference between revolutionary and evolutionary change.

• Getting buy-in for change.

• Applying models for change to your change initiative.

• Dealing with change at the individual, group and organizational levels and possible conflict.

• Dealing with resistance to change.  

Why Should You Attend:

It seems the pace of technology has accelerated with the increase of technology in our world. We live in an interconnected world in which political, economic and legal developments impact the organizations we work for. Change is a reality that all organizations face today. Nevertheless, change can be anticipated. It is essential that organizations develop the capacity in its employees to lead change and adapt to the ever changing environment we live and do business in. In this webinar, participants will learn effective strategies to lead change in in a world where rapid change has become a norm.

With change comes conflict. It is imperative organizations plan for conflict that often occurs as a result of change initiatives. This includes working to get buy-in from those affected. Those leading the change initiative, must be able to communicate the need for change and listen carefully for information from those resisting the change that may make the effort for change stronger by addressing their objections and adopting their ideas. Those attending this event will learn these strategies related to change and more.

Course Outline:

• Types of change in a rapidly changing world

• Evaluating the risks of change and conflict.

• Decisions to initiate change

• Communicating the need for change.

• Revolutionary and evolutionary change

• Change Models

• Resistance to Change

• Strategies in dealing with resistance.

What You Get:

• Training Materials

• Live Q&A Session with our Expert

• Participation Certificate

• Access to Signup Community (Optional)

• Reward Points

 Who Will Benefit:

• Change Agents

• Consultants

• Team Leaders

• Department Heads

• Business owners and managers

• Presidents

• Vice Presidents

• Human Resource managers and others with management responsibilities and administrative assistants

Please reach us at 1-888-844-8963 for any further assistance or if you wish to register

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